Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 17 - Prepare for Trouble

Okay, I've been playing for about 22 hours now and I gotta say: Team Rocket is probably the lamest video game villain I've ever encountered.

I mean, villains are necessary in a game in order to keep the stakes high. The more villainous the character, the higher the stakes, right? That's probably why so many villains in video games want to either enslave the world or unleash some demon who's going to devour the world (think any Final Fantasy or Zelda game, for example).

So basically Team Rocket is this group of reprobates bent on taking over the world. Okay, you have me so far.

Now how does Team Rocket go about this goal? Well, so far, their plans have involved...

1) Selling Slowpoke Tails for really expensive on the black market (no, they don't kill the Slowpokes, and to be honest, the Slowpokes don't seem to mind).

2) Turn a Gyrados red by evolving it too soon, or something.

3) Take over a radio station so that you can broadcast “Team Rocket Rules!” over the airwaves.

Annnnd that's it. As you can imagine, the stakes are never really all that high, and I never really care. Now, that being said, I'm only partway through the game, and may have yet to come to the part where they drive a bus full of explosives into the United Nations or unleash a thread of anthrax into the drinking water, but at the moment you can colour me unimpressed.

Now, I know what you're thinking: “But Aaron, who cares if Team Rocket is a lame villain? That's not the point of this game! This is Pokémon, in which the story is really just a means to an end, and that's the exciting gameplay!”

To that I say.... well, yeah. I guess you're right about that. But still, there are plenty of games out there with great gameplay and a great story. For once I'd like to see a Pokémon game with both.

At the very least, though, Team Rocket has provided me with plenty of battles, given me lots of opportunities to level up my Pokémon. As such, I've had quite a few of my guys evolve in the past few days. ChickenBoo grew into a Pidgeotto, and Amy into a Raticate. I promptly ditched Amy and started training Buggin Out in her place. He quickly grew to a Kakuna, and then a Beedrill, at which point I swapped him out for Psycho Fox. Psycho Fox grew into a Kadabra. The slot is now being occupied by my Machop, whom I've named Maraxus.

Oh, and Swayze evolved into a sweet Haunter. Here's a pic (courtesy of my brother David):

On top of those I've also caught a metric shitload of wild Pokémon in the last few days. They consist of:

-A level 22 male Vulpix named Ash
-A level 20 female Diglett named Resetti
-A level 24 male Farfetch'd named Ferdinand
-A level 15 female Jigglypuff named Duffy
-A level 17 Magnemite named IG-88
-A level 17 male Rhyhorn named Rocksteady
-A level 17 female Sunkern named Flora
-A level 5 male Eevee named Lockjaw

Not to mention a Venonat, Oddish, Wobuffet, Bellsprout, and Dratini on my Pokéwalker. On top of that, Oberyn evolved into an Arbok, courtesy of the hard work he's been doing on my Pokéwalker. He now looks appropriately awesome.

That brings me to 75 Pokémon, which means I've added 20 Pokémon to the 'Dex in the past three days. I think it's clear at this point that I'm not in the prisoner-taking business, I'm in the Pokémon-taking business.

And brother, business is booming.

Day 17 Pokédex count: Seen 145, caught 75
Professor Oak says: You're training them well. You know that some Pokémon don't evolve just by battling with others, right?

Say wha, Professor?

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