Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 3 - Someone's got a case of the Pokémondays

Yesterday was a good day to be a Pokétrainer.

Partly this was because I earned my first badge in the game by beating Falkner, the leader of the Violet City Gym. Partly this was because I added nine more entries to my Pokédex.

And partly this was because I missed work.

Now I know what you're thinking, and you're not wrong for doing so, but let me explain.

To begin with, I actually showed up at work, but there was some mixup somewhere, and I ended up not being on the schedule, and there was nothing that anyone could do except send me home. So, not my fault.

Now, that being said, I was almost late for work yesterday because I was trying to figure out how to get the Pokéwalker peripheral to work (more on that at a later date), and had to get my mom to drive me to the subway station. For that, mea culpa.

Also, when I saw I wasn't on the day's schedule at work, part of me was rejoicing, thinking of all the extra Pokétime I got to commit to the game. So I really didn't make a fuss or anything when I was told I wouldn't be making any money that day. Something to be ashamed of? Maybe. But the fact remains that I'm not at fault here for not working.

In any event, it worked out for the best. Lots of Pokéactivity to report. Earlier in the day (the wee hours of the a.m.) I had acquired three additions to my collection. First was an Unown, level 5. I had rushed ahead a bit before fighting the Violet city gym and found myself in the Unown ruins. I tried to make my way back, but not before encountering one of the Unowns, form A. I caught it pretty easily, and named it Alpha. I figure I'll name each one after the NATO alphabet equivalent (ie Yankee, Hotel, Foxtrot, etc.)

Second Pokémon I caught was a male Ekans, level 4. Fairly easy, but I'm pretty happy with this one. I've always had a soft spot for Ekans and its evolution, Arbok. I'll try to give this guy some TLC before he starts gathering dust in a Pokébox. In any event, I named him Oberyn (again, bonus points if you know the reference).

Finally, in Sprout tower I caught myself a Gastly, level 3. This one was kind of tricky, since most of my pokémon only knew regular type attacks, which don't affect ghost-types like Gastly. I had to very slowly chip away at his health with Oberyn's poison sting, but it took quite a few tries, about 20 minutes of my time total. That slightly put me off. Gastly was the sixth pokémon I caught, and that was an ordeal? How the frig am I going to catch the other 487? Anyways, since Gastly is a ghost pokémon, I named him Swayze (BECAUSE OF THE MOVIE, GUYS. CHILL).

Anyways, I was pretty sure that was going to be it from me for the day, but like I mentioned I was given the day off, so I played for another hour and a half or so. In that time, I beat the living crap out of Falkner (seriously, between him and his trainers, I maybe lost... 14 hit points). I also caught...

-a female Geodude (Level 11) named Terra
-a male Weedle (Level 4) named Buggin Out
-a male Mareep (Level 6) named Gobias
-a female Hoppip (Level 6) named Poppet
-and finally, a Kangaskhan, which I caught on the aforementioned Pokéwalker, and haven't yet named.

I also caught Unowns in forms E, I, F, and G (named Echo, India, Foxtrot, and Golf, respectively), and received a “mysterious egg” from Professor Elm. Wonder what's inside!

On top of that, and this really was the highlight of my day, Tokek evolved from a Totodile into a Croconaw. It was beautiful. As I've yet to become a parent, I can only imagine that this is what it feels like to watch your son... uh... morph into a slightly bigger and more jurassic version of your son.

Day 3 Pokédex count:
Seen 32, caught 12
Professor Oak says: Good. I see you understand how to use Poké Balls.

Thanks, Professor!

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